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U p c o m I n g   F I l m   F e s t I v a l s

C I N E M A  S C R E E N I N G S

London Independent Film Festival

October 2nd 2021, 4pm

October 2nd 2021, 8pm


Edinburgh International Film Festival

September 5th 2021, 7pm

September 5th 2021, 9:30pm


BFI London Film Festival

September 20th 2021, 5:30pm

September 21st 2021, 7pm


Raindance Film Festival

Autumn 2021


BFI Southbank -  21/10/21

BFI Southbank. - 31/10/21

Curzon Soho - 27/10/21

Curzon Wimbledon - 21/10/21

Everyman Manchester - 30/10/21

r E V I E W S

A thriller that will leave all school pupils quaking in their beds at night

- The Times

Thematically tense. I did not see this coming

- The Guardian

Truly frightening and uniquely disturbing; all parents will now worry for their children

- The Empire

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